
This page is inspired by Derek Sivers' /now page movement. It's where I post what I'm currently working on, learning, reading, Yadda yadda yadda.

April 4, 2022

/now working on 

  • About to start in on some new client projects
  • Getting ready for my upcoming gigs with The Silos / Walter Salas-Humara. (See the music page for more info)
  • Adding content to my newly updated website (you're on it now!) after rebuilding it in Webflow

/now learning

/now listening to

/now pondering

"The best properties are rarely for sale. The best employees are rarely job hunting. The best clients are rarely shopping. The best option is usually off the market. Most people think this means you can’t have it. What it really means is you have to go find it and sell yourself."
James Clear in 3 Ideas, 2 Quotes, 1 Question